
Register now as an affiliate partner and earn money

We are looking for affiliate partners for our healthy lifestyle products

IYou can earn real passive income with us. No investment costs, no monthly costs or anything else. Unlimited commission payout 4 times per month. Immediate entry possible.

What products are these?

As an affiliate partner you get your own back office. We are represented in 24 countries (USA, Canada, Australia, most EU countries, Mexico, New Zealand, etc.) and offer a variety of products on the topics of sport, stress, beauty, concentration and focus, weight management, healthy nutrition, energy, and nutritional supplements etc. in these countries. You will see an overview of all products in your back office. If you like a product, click on it. A link will then appear next to the product, which we will assign internally to your back office. If this link is posted, a preview of the product, images, an explanation of the product and the price, etc. will appear.

So you don't have to do anything else. Just post.

Your task:

Post links to the products on social networks (Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, etc.) or share them with friends and acquaintances. If you have your own homepage, the links can of course be integrated on the homepage. It is also possible to work with QR codes, business cards, YouTube or flyers. We have a thousand ideas and will help you become successful.

How do you make money?:

If a purchase is made via your personalized affiliate link, we will pay out a commission (up to 35 percent).

How do you earn passive income as an affiliate partner?

The customer you brought to us via your link will remain listed in your payout forever. This means you will also receive commissions for all future purchases the customer makes from us. Without you having to do anything. Even if they are products other than the original product of your link.

Where can you work from?

You can work from your cell phone or at home on your PC. Of course you decide for yourself.

Will I be incorporated as an affiliate partner?

Our team is available for you at any time. We’ll help you become successful as an affiliate partner for free.

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